Brand new idea, Not a new invention?!

The lightbulb, The most widely known source of light, excluding the sun. It has been around for a couple hundred years, with several different versions. The ordinary lightbulb, biodegradable, power saving, etc. However, who invented the first lightbulb? You would say Thomas Edison, but did you know that that is false? He didn’t invent it, he recreated it for a more conventional use. So before Edison began working on the lightbulb, it had already been around for a long time

You see, as Edison started to “invent” the lightbulb, Joseph Swan had already created a platinum rod lightbulb. By the time Edison finished his creation, He and Swan had submitted their versions at the same time. Instead of filing for a lawsuit, Edison and Swan agreed to split the credit between the two of them, but why does Edison get all the credit? Well, because his was more conventional. It would burn for up to 600 hours before burning out. Using carbon and bamboo filaments, instead of platinum rods and coils, made the lightbulb more conventional.

This part will explain the difference between the two creations, if you don’t like math and a little bit of science, go ahead and skip this. So, with Edison’s lightbulb being able to burn for 600 hours, and the specific heat capacity of his filaments were 150 degrees Celsius, and their mass was 0.0176 grams. With the formula q=mCt, we can say that his lightbulb would be at 1584 degrees Celsius, which is the burnout temperature. Now using the same formula, q=mCt, and q=1584, the mass of Swan’s platinum rods were.00896 grams, and the heat capacity is 1768 degrees Celsius, We can estimate that it would only last 100 hours before a burnout.

Now taking a step away from the math and science, Edison did not invent the lightbulb, he in fact hired professionals from various universities, Princeton for example, to make a more reliable, affordable, and efficient lightbulb compared to Swan. 


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