Impeached, or in a peach?

The real thing about impeachment, is not the removal from office or a position, but rather a criminal charge of those in power. The main purpose, or a reason for impeachment is due to unlawful acts. For example in this year, President Trump is being impeached for bombing Qassem Solemani. Trump, however, is not the first to be impeached, but rather the third.

The first impeachment was against Andrew Johnson, due to the violation of the Tenure of Office Act. The act states that it is unlawful of the president to remove office-holders without approval of the Senate. Even through the presidential veto, the Act was still passed.

 After the Senate had found out that Johnson had removed Edward M. Stanton, U.S Secretary of War, they had filed for an impeachment of Johnson to the House of Representatives. In order for Johnson to be removed, The House needed a three-fourths vote from Parliament. This was not achieved, since the Senate voted 35 to 19, 1 vote short of his removal.

Andrew became the first president in U.S history to be impeached, but no president has ever been removed from office. Richard Nixon was going to be removed, however, he resigned before he was impeached. Talk about cheap. Accept your punishment. Bill Clinton was the second official to be impeached due to sexually relations with Monica Lewinski, his Intern.

What is impeachment you may ask? Well after this, you’ll know it’s not the removal of the president, but rather the formal charging of the president. None of the three presidents have never been removed from office, nor has there been a third impeachment, technically. Why can’t they just follow the rules that were enacted years ago? Instead of ending up in a peach, I mean impeached.

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